/> Dream Golf Job: Story of Hope

Monday, April 16, 2012

Story of Hope

I had the opportunity to play at Boschenmeer Golf Estate with a Big Fan of Dream Golf Job, a golf fanatic and family man, Uwe Beyer. Originally from the Western Cape in South Africa, Uwe and his family has been living in London for more than 10 years. 

Uwe and his family are on holiday in the Cape and we organized a round of golf to get to know each other better and I wanted to hear to full story from the man himself. 

I would like to share with you this amazing story of hope and how positive thoughts effected people around him and helped him beat cancer! 2 Years ago Uwe had a massive health scare as he was diagnosed with a brain tumour. While playing the beautiful Paarl Golf Club Uwe shared his story with me. I would not like to go into detail regarding the cancer and treatments but would like to share with you how Uwe's spiritual believes and VERY POSITIVE attitude ahead of the treatments changed his life. 

Given only 5-10 years to live by the doctors, Uwe was facing a crossroad. He either excepted his fate and surrender to this cancer OR he decide to live and fight this cancer with medical treatment and a very positive attitude and believe. What happened next was truly amazing to hear.

Uwe decided to live and to fight this cancer. His positive attitude affected the doctors and medical staff around him and the operation and treatment was a big success. This might sound simple and easy, but this was the amazing part. His positive attitude affected the medical staff positively and this played a massive part to the success of the treatment! Today Uwe is cleared from cancer and he feels fantastic. He also adjusted his diet and fitness levels to maintain his good health. 

It was a privilege to meet you Uwe and to spend the day on the golf course to hear you story. Many thanks to Ian Rose and Boschenmeer Golf Estate for hosting us.

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