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Rangeholder is a unique golf club holder. Since its inception onto the market 18 months ago it is sold in over 25 countries and continues to spread throughout the golfing world – and it is now in South Africa!
With Rangeholder you place your chosen five golf clubs plus any small items you normally carry – mobile phone, car keys, golf glove, sunglasses, wallet, etc into the pouch that comes attached to the base of the Rangeholder. When you go to the driving range, mashie course, practice ground or 9 hole golf course, you turn up looking very professional and organised. There is a fitted strap that is included in the Rangeholder pack, this strap enables you to carry the Rangeholder complete with your five clubs.
Rangeholder is a unique golf club holder. Since its inception onto the market 18 months ago it is sold in over 25 countries and continues to spread throughout the golfing world – and it is now in South Africa!
CLICK HERE TO ORDER R380 inc VAT (exclude delivery/postage)
Click Here to order, bonus products included
In South Africa we are very fortunate to have famous golf players like: GARY PLAYER, ERNIE ELS, RETIEF GOOSEN and DAVID FROST and they also produce their own wines. Now you can buy some of these golfer's wines right here!!
TAP IN is the Ultimate Golf News and Travel App. From Blogs News feeds Instagram Twitter and Facebook feeds from Major Tours and even players. Book all your travel needs just TAP IN the details. Keep it in the fairway hit it close and TAP IN.
If you like Wine This App is for you, KLEINE ZALZE
Kleine Zalze is just 3 km outside Stellenbosch and forms part of the De Zalze Wineland and Golf Estate. It combines outstanding winemaking and hospitality with leisure and pleasure. Our Mobile App offer you info, upcoming events, images, videos and a map of Kleine Zalze Wine Estate. The Mobile App also offer the user a mobile Wine Shop, Lodge Booking, Flight bookings, Car Hire and directions to the Estate.
Click on the banner below
App for Iphone, Android, Blackberry etc
Teeter Hang Ups inversion products have been successfully selling in South Africa for 20 years with complete customer satisfaction.
The eBook includes 6 Simple Golf Lessons:
- The Grip, Set up and Swing mechanics
- Chipping and Pitching
- Bunkers and Plugged lies
- Putting
- Conquer the Chipping "yips"
- Practice Program and Drills
- Tournament Golf
- Golf Terminology
- Faults and Why

Teeter Hang Ups inversion products have been successfully selling in South Africa for 20 years with complete customer satisfaction.
- The Simple Golf Swing: Click Here
- How to break 80: Click Here
- Instant Slice cure: Click Here
- Swing faster to hit the ball further: Click Here
- Amazing Golf Mind Mental Audio: Click Here
Lean, Strong and Long Fitness program

In South Africa we are very fortunate to have famous golf players like: GARY PLAYER, ERNIE ELS, RETIEF GOOSEN and DAVID FROST and they also produce their own wines. Now you can buy some of these golfer's wines right here!!
If you are looking for something in particular or something that you have seen on any of our Social Media sites, send us an e-mail. Click Here to send us an e-mail
*Please note that all the prices exclude postage