/> Dream Golf Job: Introduction to Mobile Applications

Monday, October 22, 2012

Introduction to Mobile Applications

I am excited to share with you that DREAM GOLF JOB in conjunction with Modern Web Presence expanded it’s services and also offer Mobile Apps as one of our products.

You will agree with me that we all use some sort of Mobile device like smart phones, cellphones or tablets.

We all use Mobile Apps like Facebook, Twitter, Weather apps, BBM, WhatsApp and many more...Big Corporates have mobile apps too like FNB and Sky News. 

Ever thought of having a Mobile App for your business!? Now it’s possible!

Some Examples of Apps we have developed:

Social Media are mobile optimized and that is part of the reason why it is so popular and often used. 2012 was the year that Mobile Apps became a necessity, the same as what a website was in 1998.

To have a Presence on the internet you had to have a website....in 2012 you need a presence on Mobile screens, AND you need a presence on App stores like Apple, Android, Windows and Blackberry to cater for the mobile using end user.

The future of communication is PUSH MESSAGES. What is a Push Message? This is a 140 character message we can send to everybody that downloaded your Application!

Feel FREE to contact us for more info regarding technical issues and costing.


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