/> Dream Golf Job: "Funny Golf Story" Competition

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Funny Golf Story" Competition

I asked my Facebook Fans to send in a funny story that happened on the golf course. Pieter Greybe send in a very good one!!

He is our Winner of the Srixon golf balls.

HERE is a Copy  of the FACEBOOK MESSAGE:

Ek het sondag golf gespeel op randfontein golf baan by die 7 de gat wat n kort puitjie oor water is ............toe ek slaan af lig my kop op om te kyk of ek dit gemaak het en daar trek die bal reguit vir die water hop 5 keer op die water en land op die green en moet ek by se is die enigste een van die 4 bal wat op die green was ................lol

He went to play golf and on the 7th hole, a short par 3 over water....he picked up his head, the ball bounced 5 times on the water and landed on the green. His ball was the only one on the green from the 4 ball!! Holy Balls indeed!!

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